Alderson Main Street has scheduled their second annual Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner on Friday, Mar. 15, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Alderson Community Center.
It has been said that everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day. Here is an opportunity for all to channel their “inner Irish” with a corned beef and cabbage dinner for a donation of $10 per adult; $5 for children 6-12; and age 5 and under free.
With “chef” Rich Lohmeyer in charge of the kitchen, as well as a willing crew of AMS members and friends, a delicious dinner of corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, drink, and dessert will be served. Take out dinners are also available. The food received rave reviews last year and no less is expected this year.
Alderson Main Street has been responsible for the restoration of the Old Gulf Station and the Historic 1896 C&O Depot; the establishment of Alumni Park as well as the construction of the Gazebo and the landscaping; and sponsors the Strawberry Festival as well as the Grand Illumination at Christmas. These accomplishments are the result of thousands of volunteer hours and fund raising events such as this.
Please join all your friends for a great meal and a time for catching up with your neighbors.