On Oct. 30, the Greenbrier Composite Squadron changed both Squadron and Cadet Commanders in a ceremony presided over by Lt Col Connie Moody, West Virginia Wing Chief of Staff for the Civil Air Patrol.
CAP Major Harold Moloney of Monroe County assumed command of the WV100 Squadron from Lt Colonel Edwin Childers while Cadet Lieutenant Pat Tilley assumed command from Cadet Lieutenant Andrew Dowdy, all from Greenbrier County.
Because of new regulations stating that the commander may only serve for four years, Lt Col Edwin Childers stepped down as Commander. Col Childers has been commander for seven years and has been a great asset to the Greenbrier Composite squadron as well as the Civil Air Patrol. He has experience as a pilot, scanner, observer, ground team leader, transportation officer, and character development instructor. Lt Col Childers was also involved in several search and rescue missions. He is not leaving the squadron, rather he is increasing his commitment to his grandchildren.
Maj Harold Moloney has taken on the job as the new commander. He brings with him four years of experience as a ground team leader and aerospace education officer. He has developed an excellent working rapport with the senior staff and cadets. The Greenbrier Composite Squadron welcomes Maj Moloney and offers him their full support.
Another change that took place on Oct. 30 was a change of the Cadet Commander. C/2nd Lt Andrew Dowdy stepped down as Commander. Lt Dowdy has five years of experience with the squadron, and one year as Commander.
Taking on the responsibilities of the new Cadet Commander is C/2nd Lt Patrick Tilley. Lt Tilley brings with him several years of experience within the Squadron. He has severed as the deputy commander, is a ground team member and serves on the squadron Color Guard.
The squadron meets on Monday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Lewisburg Airport. We welcome interested youth and adults, male and female, ages 12 and above from Pocahontas, Greenbrier, Monroe, and Summers Counties in West Virginia, and Craig and Allegheny Counties in Virginia. See what you can do for your community and yourself. Contact Major Moloney at hmoloney@wvcap.net for access to the CAP area or more information.
Civil Air Patrol, the longtime all-volunteer U.S. Air Force auxiliary, is the newest member of the Air Force’s Total Force. In this role, CAP operates a fleet of 560 aircraft, performs about 90 percent of continental U.S. inland search and rescue missions as tasked by the Air Force Rescue Coordination Center and is credited by the AFRCC with saving an average of 80 lives annually. CAP’s 57,000 members also perform homeland security, disaster relief, and drug interdiction missions at the request of federal, state and local agencies. CAP also plays a leading role in aerospace/STEM education, and its members serve as mentors to 24,000 young people participating in CAP’s Cadet Programs. Visit www.GoCivilAirPatrol.com for more information.