Carnegie Hall’s Galleries reopen Friday, Aug. 4, with Summer Exhibits by Ellen Fisher (Old Stone Room), Jeanne Brenneman (Lobby Gallery), and Jorn Mork, Nan Morgan, and Donna Toney (Museum Gallery). There will be opening receptions at 5 p.m. in conjunction with Lewisburg’s First Fridays after 5.
The Old Stone Room, located on the ground floor of Carnegie Hall, will feature “A Sense of Place” by Ellen Fisher. She is a fine art painter, teacher, and writer about art with an M.F.A. from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
Jeanne Brenneman’s “A Watercolor Journey” will exhibit in the Auditorium Lobby Gallery. She is a signature member of the West Virginia Watercolor Society and a founding member of the Greenbrier Artists, a local group who have painted together weekly since 1974.
The Museum Gallery (adjacent to the Hamilton Auditorium) will feature “Earth and Sky,” by Jorn Mork, Nan Morgan, and Donna Toney. The exhibit will feature paintings by Jorn Mork, a collection of poetry by Donna Toney, and a celestial collection of rocks by Nan Morgan.
The exhibits are free and open to the public, Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The exhibits will run through Oct. 27. For more information, please visit carnegiehallwv.org, call 304-645-7917, or stop by the Hall at 611 Church Street, Lewisburg.