Carnegie Hall’s Pottery Studio is always normally busy, but now that the 2022 Fall Classes & Workshops have begun, it’s working overtime – even Saturdays. Teaching artist Amie Durrman will lead three clay hand building series throughout fall designed for children age 6 to 12.
Her first series is Fall Leaves and Owls and will be held on Saturdays, Oct. 15, 22, and 29, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. This class teaches the basic hand building techniques of pinching, coiling, and slab work. Students will look closely at leaves to replicate shape and color along with building an owl candy bowl. Students will also learn about surface decoration including applied textures and how to apply underglazes.
On Saturdays, Nov. 5, 12, and 19, from 10 to 11:30 a.m., Durrman gets students in the spirit with Holiday Ornaments. Various hand building techniques will be explored while creating functional and unique one-of-a-kind pieces that can be displayed over the holidays or given away as gifts. Demonstrations will include slab construction, coil building, and pinching. Decorating with applied textures and underglazes will also be explored.
The last Saturday Clay Classes for Kids is Ceramic Wall Art on Saturday, Dec. 3, 10, and 17, from 10 to 11:30 p.m. Students will explore various hand building techniques while creating functional and abstract forms. Demonstrations will include slab construction, coil building, and pinching. Students will also learn about surface decoration including applied textures and how to apply underglazes.
Amie Durrman is an arts education advocate, who received her Art Education Degree from Millersville University in Pennsylvania and has previously taught Pre K-12th grade in public schools in Delaware and Southern Maryland. Currently, she is a clay and printmaking instructor for Carnegie Hall and participates in Carnegie Classrooms and Kid’s College.
Saturday Clay Classes for Kids takes place at Carnegie Hall Pottery Studio. Registration for each series is $99 ($110 for members.) Class size is limited so sign up early.
For a complete list of classes and workshops and to enroll visit or pick up a Classes & Workshops brochure at 611 Church Street, Lewisburg.