Last July, 200 Boy Scouts built beautiful walking trails in Lewisburg’s Montwell Park. In the area for the International Jamboree, five troops of 40 scouts each came and worked tirelessly to excavate the paths, install timbers along the perimeters and spread crushed limestone between the timbers.
The resulting 1,100 feet of trails, that will, in the not-too-distant future, connect Chestnut and Lee Street to the heart of downtown, are perfect for a leisurely stroll or power walk through the park. Project leader Cliff Baker, the Scoutmaster of Lewisburg Boy Scout Troop 70 for over 30 years, wanted to take this opportunity to once again thank the scouts for all their hard work, and also acknowledge Mullican Lumber, RBS and Neathawk for their generosity in contributing affordable materials, equipment, and skilled labor to the effort.
Baker, who is also President ofMontwell Park’s Board of Directors, reports that the trails will be even more enjoyable after they’re landscaped later this year. He hopes that community members and visitors will come out and enjoy the trails.
June 2, 2018 is National Take-A-Hike Day, but you don’t need to wait until then to check out Montwell Park. For more information about the walking trails or the communityowned park, visit facebook/MontwellPark, montwellparkwv.org, or call 304-992-2555.