In mid-May the Bluebell Garden Club completed three community service projects. For the annual downtown merchant project 46 floral entrance displays were created by 20+ club members at 17 locations following a coordinated harmonious design plan. The color scheme of the presentations was in keeping with the color selections of the Lewisburg in Bloom committee.
In addition to businesses, the Greenbrier Valley Visitors Center, Lee Street Studios, the North House, the Greenbrier County Public Library, Carnegie Hall, and the New River Community College campus were included in the merchant project.

The second Bluebell project was the spring beautification of the “triangle” at the intersection of Seneca and Holt Lane. For over 50 years the Club has maintained, cleaned up, and planted trees, flowers and shrubs at this traffic heavy location. Recent awards have been received by the Bluebell Garden Club for the Triangle Garden itself as well as recognition for our roadside improvement efforts.
The third project was at Old Stone Cemetery where the Club maintains the Caldwell and Brant plots. The Caldwell plot is a pollinator garden that attracts butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds. The Brant Plot is planted in pink and white for the mother, her two young children, and her sister that are buried beside her. It has won two West Virginia Garden Club, Inc. awards for historic preservation – 2023 and 2024. The Bluebell Club also received a recent Historic Preservation award from the West Virginia Garden Club, Inc. for our work in beautifying and maintaining these cemetery plots.