By Debbie Bond
What beautiful weather we’ve been having! As far as this old gal is concerned it doesn’t need to snow at all. We actually got several inches on that first snow, that’s enough. Someone said this coming winter is supposed to be one of the coldest on record and I am so hoping they are wrong. Cold is harder on things then the snow at times. Nothing worse, I think, than frozen water lines. We still have time, folks, to make sure everything is winterized well so be sure and do all the preventive measures you can.
This week I have two stories to share. As promised last column I want to tell everyone about the West End Gun and Pawn Shop located down in Charmco. This place is awesome. It’s family owned and run with new and used guns. Anyone that knows me know that I enjoy hunting and enjoy my guns. I think everyone should learn to shoot and learn all the safety and respect that goes along with being a gun owner. Down at West End Gun every first Tuesday night of every month is trade night. Lots of fun on these trade nights and a good chance you’ll see me there as well. They carry a full line of guns and ammo and you can view them at GALLERYOFGUNS.COM. You also can find them on Facebook West End Gun & Pawn.
Now a story that will touch your heart. I don’t normally share or use pictures with my stories, but this time there’s a need to show my readers this precious pup. I want everyone to meet Lucky Lou. This little pup was taken in by Sherry and Denver Davis and was told that it probably would only live a few weeks or possibly a couple months. This little dog was so pitiful, when they first brought her home she would suffer seizures and all Sherry could do was sit and hold her. I was privileged enough to be able to go and give Sherry a break by holding poor little Lucky Lou, often believing she wouldn’t make it through the day. Lucky was born like some Chihuahuas are with a congenital open fontanel but in Lucky’s case she also was born with Hydrocephalus (water on the brain).
Well Lucky Lou celebrated her first birthday a month ago. We call her our little miracle puppy. The veterinarian even said normally dogs with this type of birth defect never survive for very long. They too were amazed at little Lucky Lou surviving not just a year, but still counting. To me, it doesn’t surprise me at all. Her “mommy” Sherry devoted all her love and attention to this sweet little girl and tried to make sure that everyday was a good day for her. Lucky has a “sister” Bella who also, I think, gives her a will to live.
It’s so cute to hear little Lucky following behind Bella barking and sounding so ferocious – she’s a three pound watch dog.
Nothing, not humans nor precious pets have tomorrow promised, but this sweet little girl has been blessed to have found a home full of tender loving care. I’m so sure everyone will fall in love with her as I have.
I always urge everyone to please support your local Humane Society and all animal rescue groups. These poor animals depend on us to take care of them and please have all pets spayed and nurtured.
That’s it for this week. I hope everyone has a safe and uneventfully weekend and week and always take time to share a kind word and a smile. From us here at the BIRDHOUSE we wish you and yours lots of blessings and the best of the best