The Williamsburg CEOS Club met Tuesday, Aug. 8 at the Williamsburg District Historical Museum. The meeting was called to order by Barbara Deeds, president and began with the devotion “Dare to be Different” including pt Corinthians chapter 15 verse 41 by Virginia Hanna.
Minutes of the July meeting were read by Virginia Hanna and approved. Members present were Cassandria Perkins, Virginia Hanna, Loretta Shirley, Blanche Knicely, Dorothy Hayes, Laura Rose, Patricia Post and Barbara Deeds. Guests present were Burl Post, Nora Post, Laura Sevy, Sue Rhodes and Gayle Hostetler. They reported 229 volunteer hours, 197 motivational hours and 17 books read.
The treasurer’s report was given by Blanche Knicely who reminded members their dues will be collected at the September meeting.
Blanche Knicely gave a report on the Williamsburg Community Fair. The club had a display of their scrapbook, a stained glass quilt square made at the 2016 State CEOS Fall Conference, copies of lessons presented this year and a pyramid of foods collected for the local food pantry. Their display received a blue ribbon.
Virginia Hanna reported on the CEOS county picnic held on Muddy Creek Mountain in July. The speakers were from the Hospitality House in Alderson and there was great entertainment by Lucy Ramey.
This month was reorganization month. Officers and committee chairs were selected. Changes made were Barbara Deeds will be replacing Linda Spencer as reporter and Blanche Knicely will be replacing Barbara Deeds as Health Motivator. Other officers and committee chairs will remain the same for 2018.
Get well, Birthday and Sympathy cards were prepared for members of the community. Nonperishable foods were collected for the local food pantry. Dorothy Hayes informed the club that she is moving away and will not be a member after this year. She has been a loyal member for many years and will be greatly missed.
The next meeting will be held at the Williamsburg District Historical Foundation Museum on Sept. 12 with the lesson “WV Women Who Made History” by Cassandria Perkins.
The club would welcome new members, if anyone is interested in joining or wants information about Community Educational Outreach Service, they may contact the clubs marketing and membership chairman, Loretta Shirley (304-645-2238), any of the above members or Kay Davis at the WVU in Fairlea (304-647-7408) Extension Office.