Alpha Gamma Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma met Saturday, Mar. 19, in Food & Friends for a very interesting, informative meeting on Fraud Protection and a fun time catching up during lunch.
In the absence of vacationing President Mali Mentor, the meeting was called to order by Vice President Barbara Beard. She introduced our two guests, Pocahontas County Sheriff David Jonese and Greenbrier County Chief Assistant Prosecutor Jennifer Dent of the WV Financial Exploitation Task Force.
Sheriff Jonese began by telling us that scammers cost consumers $40 billion a year and no one wants to admit he/she has been scammed. Most scam telephone calls come from outside the U.S.; often, post office boxes are used for the addresses. Because senior citizens are more responsible and trusting, they are the most targeted. Sheriff Jonese said there’s nothing for free. If you don’t make the telephone call, you don’t need to talk to the scammer.
Jennifer Dent talked about the exploitation and sexual assault of the elderly and elder abuse. Ms. Dent’s team is statewide.
The roll call was by Donna Jackson, secretary, who asked each member in attendance to tell whether or not she had been the victim of a scam. Most had a very interesting comment. Members contributed to the “Fun Fund” by giving 10 cents for each telemarketer call received during last year. The limit was a contribution of no more than $5.
The printed minutes by Donna Jackson, Secretary, and the treasurer’s report by Nancy Bostic, Treasurer, were approved.
Barbara Beard asked for recommendations for the scholarship money that is given each year. Students in Greenbrier, Monroe, and Pocahontas counties are nominated as recipients and the money is given to them when school starts in the fall.
A newspaper article was shared about some Pocahontas County High School teachers who have bonded on hiking trips. The trips were started by Mary Sue Burns and Susan Chappell; there are four to eight teachers and guests who hike together.
A slate of officers was presented for 2016-2018. A motion was made to accept the nomination, and the motion carried. The new officers are as follows: Barbara Beard, president; Pam McCurdy, 1st vice president; Mary Sue Burns, 2nd vice president; Donna Jackson, recording secretary; Heidi Houck, corresponding secretary; Nancy Bostic, treasurer. There is one more meeting before the new officers begin their positions. The next meeting will be Apr. 16.
Six women were nominated for membership and all were approved. Installation of the new members will take place in a later meeting.
The Spring Conference is scheduled for Apr. 23, in Bridgeport. The main purpose of the one-day conference is to train officers. The Alpha Gamma scrapbook will be taken to the conference by President Mali Mentor where the judging will take place. The conference is open to any member interested in attending.
Pam McCurdy won the raffle basket which was a collection of Jamberry products. Katy Montgomery won the silent auction item which was a beautiful handmade purse by Nancy Bostic. Glee Nutter won a basket of jelly beans for the door prize. The meeting was adjourned by Barbara Beard.