The Alpha Gamma Chapter meeting was called to order by President-elect, Barbara Beard, in Food & Friends on Saturday, Sept. 17. New officers for 2016-18 were installed by Pam Echols and out-going president, Mali Minter. Pamela McCurdy was installed as 1st Vice President. Mary Sue Burns, newly-elected 2nd Vice President, could not attend the meeting and will be installed in November. Those officers continuing their duties from the previous term are Donna Jackson, recording secretary, Heidi Houck, corresponding secretary and Nancy Bostic, treasurer. Mali Minter assumed the role of parliamentarian.
Barbara Beard, Pam McCurdy and Pam Echols conducted the initiation ceremony. New members Lynne Bostic, Gail Fleshman and Ann Smith were welcomed and they learned about the seven purposes of Delta Kappa Gamma, were given a red rose bud in a vase, and signed the new member book.
The agenda, minutes, treasurer’s report, and a booklet of information, which also included committee assignments, were distributed at the beginning of the meeting. Twenty members answered the roll call by Donna Jackson and related information about themselves; both personal and professional. The Fun Fund request was that each member share the many ways she could say the word “hello” which was also the theme for the day’s meeting. We were updated on the illness of one of our members.
Barbara Beard’s two-year theme will be a focus on “Plant seeds of happiness, hope, success, and love; it will all come back to you in abundance. This is the law of nature”; taken from a quote from inspirational speaker, Steve Maraboli. The theme for today’s meeting was “You had me at hello” from Jerry McGuire.
A report on the summer picnic in July at the cabin of Katy Montgomery was that it was an enjoyable experience. At that time teachers took supplies that could be given to new teachers which will be helpful in the classroom. Supplies were taken by Mali Mentor to seven new teachers in Pocahontas County; Barbara Holesapple delivered supplies to three new teachers in Monroe County, and Katy Montgomery delivered supplies to six new teachers in Greenbrier County. Glee Nutter will deliver supplies to the seventh new teacher in White Sulphur Springs.
Scholarships were given to Molly Wickline in Monroe County and Rachel McComb in Pocahontas County.
Mali Mintor reported on the State Convention. The chapter scrapbook prepared by Lois McCutcheon won the Special Publication Award. Lois agreed to assemble the scrapbook again this year. The next Alpha Phi State Convention will be at the Glade Springs Resort Apr. 28-30.
Fundraising activities were discussed and it was suggested that each member bring a coat to the next meeting for an elementary student; size 6 to 16 or money to purchase one. In lieu of the Christmas gift exchange during November’s meeting, it was decided there will be a silent auction of white elephant items, homemade cookies, etc. and the money will be given to the Rainelle Public Library to help with replacement of books that were lost in the June flood.
Heidi Houck won the door prize. Nancy Bostic had the parting thought, “Never Give Up.” The next meeting will be in Food & Friends on Saturday, Nov. 19.