At their regular monthly meeting on Aug. 15, Alderson Main Street (AMS) voted unanimously to contribute $5,000 toward the completion of the Nature Walking Trail in the Alderson Municipal Park. The trail was begun by the Boy Scouts under the direction of Alderson employee Jesse Willis.
Troops from five different places, including North Carolina, Utah, New Jersey, Tennessee and Georgia, worked for five days to dig the foundation for the 3/4-mile trail. Willis said of the Scouts, “Their work ethic and energy should be an example for all youth.” He made a power point presentation to the membership of AMS and requested the funds to pay for the under-layment and gravel which are needed to finish the trail.
AMS President and Town Recorder Betty Thomas said, “Everything that we, as a community, do to improve this town and make it a better place to live and visit is a feather in our cap. I am really happy that AMS could contribute toward the completion of this trail.”
Willis said, “One troop has volunteered to come back this year to do the work to finish this trail. Now we can get them the materials they need.”
Mayor Travis Copenhaver said, “We really appreciate this contribution from our partner, Alderson Main Street. You can see many places in Alderson where their efforts have made a huge difference and turned eyesores into show places. This is just another example of their help.”
Alderson Main Street meets regularly on the third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at Alderson City Hall. Anyone interested in helping with their work is welcome.