The Progressive CEOS met at Food & Friends for their annual Christmas Party with a Dutch treat meal. In absence of the president, Mary Liz Richmond as hostess welcomed everyone and Kitty introduced Linda Schmidt as a new member and she was immediately welcomed by all.
While waiting for the meal to be served, there was a short business meeting. Mary Liz Richmond, treasurer, reported that she had sent $135 to the food lockers. She passed around a “thank you” not from Ed Rock for everyone to read. The group signed “thinking of you” cards for Patty Gray, our president who had surgery and Ella Yeager, a member in an assisted living home in Charleston.
After enjoying the meal, a time of fellowship and picture taking was enjoyed by the following members: Jean Foley, Thelma Berkley, Betty Rutherford, Ginny Arthur, Dot Feamster, Barbara Shiley, Chris Goings, Colleen Walton, Faye honaker, Kitty Loudermilk, Betty Jo McNeil, Mary Liz Richmond and new member Linda Schmidt.
The next meeting will be in February at the Extension Office with Colleen in charge of the program – Joys of Reading.