The Ladies of the Henning Church of God held their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, July 13, in the church fellowship hall. Carole Spencer presided and Donna Scott led in prayer.
Dyan Hefner presented the devotion, “A Diamond is a Girl’s Best Friend,” with scripture reference Ephesians 5:8. Diamonds are wonderful because they sparkle, shine and can be worth a lot. Christian women can act like a diamond because they come from the deep mirey clay when they are saved. A diamond starts from carbon and can take billion of years to form. The more visibility a diamond has, the more expensive. Any impurities will make it less valuable. Christ sees only our heart. Only Christians cut by our master can sparkle when we allow Christ to mold us and reflect light in our lives.
She also presented an acrostic for diamond. Delight in the Lord. (Psalms 37:4) Increase in love. (I Thessalonians 3:12) Abide in Christ. (John 15:5) Minister to others. (Romans 12:13) Obey God’s word. (I John 2:3) Never give up. (Hebrews 12:1) Die to self. (Galatians 5:12) The light of Christ pales to a diamond. How well do you sparkle? II Corinthians 3:18. The group also sang, “Shine In Me.”
Barb Seldomridge gave the missionary education report about Vance Messingill. Vance’s parents were Christians. In his teens he used drugs and also got involved in occult practices. His mother prayed to save him even if it meant dying and gave him completely to God. He accepted Jesus after attempting suicide in 1992. The Holy Spirit led him and he was preaching a month after he accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior. Nothing seemed to fit in his ministry, until he read Isaiah 6:8, and decided that he wanted God to send him. He enrolled in Lee college and graduated from there. He also met his wife there. Two weeks after graduation, he and his wife were called to be missionaries in China. He later found out his mother felt like her heart was breaking when she found out he was going so far away, however, God reminded her that her son was His. Vance Messingill and his wife have been in the mission field for 24 years.
Jamie Harvey gave the treasurer’s report and Pauline Perkins read last month’s minutes.
The church will be sponsoring Vacation Bible School (Crocodile Dock) July 26-30, 6 to 8:30 p.m. The church picnic will be held Sunday, August 1. The group will also be having a Yard and Bake Sale on September 11.
Joan Vance also shared about her week in Mill Creek with the Tyrand Cooperative Ministries. The ladies group had previously helped to purchase tables for the ministry and were much appreciated. The crews painted inside a home and they also built a front and back deck for a single mother. According to Billy Graham, “Our job is to love, the Holy Spirit is to convict, and God’s job is to judge.” Are we really loving like we should be?
The next meeting will be August 10 and Kim Brookman dismissed in prayer.
Attending were: Alice Coff, Barb Seldomridge, Carole Spencer, Cindy Fleshman, Donna Scott, Dyan Hefner, Evon Persinger, Jamie Harvey, Joan Vance, Kim Brookman, Marsha Merritt, Marty Burns, Patty Owens, Pauline Perkins, and Sue Hunt.