As the winter months approach, the Greenbrier Valley Bike Club members are nearing the end of the 2020 cycle season. Many thanks to our community members for sharing the road and helping us stay safe while driving by us. Getting outdoors and cycling our beautiful country roads or the Greenbrier River Trail is always a treat. Given the social activity restrictions and challenges posed by Covid-19, this particular cycle season brought a deeper appreciation for the sport as well as the natural beauty of this area and all that it has to offer. Aren’t we lucky to live in a place that is truly a scenic wonderland!
So, what will we be up to as colder temperatures prevail and cycling becomes less frequent? At present, the GVBC members are collecting food items to be donated to the Williamsburg food locker. We are also preparing for our upcoming “bikes for kids” annual Christmas project via Toys for Tots with a goal of distributing 12 to 15 new bicycles to area youth.
Our long term project is to raise additional funds to purchase a second bike repair fix-it station to be placed at the Renick trailhead on the Greenbrier River Trail. We have received positive feedback about the one erected at the Caldwell trailhead last spring and it has been well used.
Anyone interested in participating in the bike club or donating to any of these community projects, please contact Liz Wickline, GVBC President at 304-646-8287.