The Progressive CEOS met Apr. 9 at the Extension Office for their April meeting with Patty Gray as hostess.
President Gray welcomed everyone and gave the thought for the month. “Don’t go where the path leads, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
A poem written by Kitty Loudermilk was the meditation for the day.
The Health Motivator Tip was given by Patty telling of organic foods which began in Europe in the 1920s by omitting the use of chemicals raising foods. Patty presented the lesson “A Spoonful of Sugar.” She reported the average American consumes more than 30 teaspoons of added sugar per day. Many foods and drinks contain hidden sugar.
Kitty Loudermilk returned the traveling basket and it was taken home by Chris Goings to return next month.
The area meeting will be Apr. 29 at the WV Building on the fairgrounds.
Refreshments were enjoyed by Lynn Humphreys, Mary Liz Richmond, Chris Goings, Kitty Loudermilk, Betty Jo McNeel, Faye Honaker, Jean Foley, Mary Jirka, Barbara Shiley, Dot Feamster, and Patty Gray.
The May meeting will be May 14 with Barbara Shiley as hostess.