Betty Jo McNeel was hostess to 10 members of the Progressive CEOS when they met for their November meeting at the Lewisburg Methodist Church. Co-President Barbara Shiley opened the meeting by welcoming everyone.
A short business meeting was held. All committee reports were filled out. The treasurer reminded us to bring a donation to Penny Pitch next month. We will meet at Food & Friends on Dec. 12 at 1 p.m.
We were reminded of the workshop in Rupert on Nov. 10. This is a covered dish meeting, and a council meeting will follow.
Lynn Humphreys brought the traveling basket and Dot Feamster took it home with her. She will return it next month filled with goodies.
We always work on the scrapbook in November. Each one took a month and filled a page or more with activities of that month.
Delicious refreshments were served and enjoyed by Kitty Loudermilk, Dot Feamster, Lynn Humphreys, Faye Honaker, Jean Foley, Mary Liz Richmond, Barbara Shiley, Colleen Walton and Betty Jo McNeel.