Faye Honaker was hostess to 10 members of the Progressive CEOS when they met Aug. 8 for their reorganization meeting. Co-President, Barbara Shiley opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and thanking them for coming. Home Sweet Home was the theme of her meditations. Copies of the WVCEOS Member Code of Conduct were passed around for the members to read, sign and return to Barbara. Kitty Loudermilk read her poem and short story she had written for the poetry and short story contest.
Patty Gray reported on the tour to the Salt Caves that she, Betty Jo McNeil, Lynn Humphreys, and Barbara Shiley took in July. All said it was very relaxing. Patty also reported on the Country Picnic on Muddy Creek Mountain. She said there was a nice turnout for it and the speaker was from the Hospitality House in Alderson. He thanked everyone for the generous donation of paper supplies.
The Fall Leadership Day will be at the Lewisburg Methodist Church on Aug. 25. Our club is responsible for decorating a table for March with a St. Patrick’s theme. Barbara Shiley will supply the two door prizes.
Linda Schmidt sent the traveling basket which Colleen Walton took home with her. A thank you card from the 4-H was read and a get well card was signed for Mary, secretary at the Extension Office, who is having surgery. Colleen Walton recorded 3834 volunteer hours for the year.
The next meeting will be with Patty Gray which will be covered dish with the theme, Eating Outside Your Comfort Zone. Delicious refreshments were served and enjoyed before we went into the reorganization part of the meeting. Since this was reorganization, new officers, programs, leaders, and hostesses were chosen.
- New Officers: President, Patty Gray; Vice President, Barbara Shiley; Secretary and Reporter, Colleen Walton; and Treasurer, Mary Liz Richmond
- Committees: Continuing Education, Faye Honaker; Family, Betty Jo McNeil; Marketing/Membership, Dot Feamster; Health Motivator, Group Leader by Month; Purposeful Reading, Colleen Walton
Program, Leader, Hostess:
- Feb. 6 – Genealogy, Dot Feamster and Chris Gowing at Extension Office
- Mar. 6 – Slow Cooking in a Fast World, Lynn Humphreys at Extension Office
- Apr. 3 – Home Economics From Depression to Today, Patty Gray
- May 1 – WV Women & Education Celebrate Equality, Barbara Shiley
- June 5 – Healthy Oils, Kaye Davis and Mary Liz Richmond at Extension Office
- July 10 – Trip, Kitty Loudermilk
- Aug. 7 – Reorganization, Faye Honaker
- Sept. 4 – Native Americans, Barbara Shiley and Kitty Loudermilk
- Oct. 2 – Cast Iron Cooking, Linda Schmidt at Extension Office
- Nov. 13 – Scrapbook, Betty Jo McNeil at Lewisburg Methodist Church
- Dec. 11 – Christmas Party, Mary Liz Richmond at Food & Friends
Attending the August meeting were: Colleen Walton, Lynn Humphreys, Thelma Berkley, Chris Gowing, Patty Gray, Mary Liz Richmond, Barbara Shiley, Betty Jo McNeil, Kitty Loudermilk, and Faye Honaker.