Every city or town, the small and the large, the forgotten and the famous often hold a silent city. Silent cities are repositories of the past – days forgotten yet so much a part of who and what we are today. Our silent cities are often forgotten and forlorn. Some play a vibrate part of an active community. Walks in silent cities are strolls back in time – down memory lane. Lewisburg holds a special silent city-one told in Old Stone.
Would you like to learn more about the restoration and research that is ongoing at the Old Stone cemetery? If so, join the Greenbrier Historical Society and the Trustees of the Old Stone Cemetery for an informative presentation on “The Silent Cities” on Thursday, July 14, at 7 p.m. in the Education Building of the Old Stone Church. You will be educated and inspired by the often unnoticed parts of cemeteries from the history to the inspirational and heart breaking stories of those who reside in the Old Stone Cemetery.
Restoration and preservation efforts are ongoing, so that those who wander amid the mounds in the “Silent City” may be reminded that the dead are not forgotten, that the remembrance of the ones gone before linger fresh and green in our memories. The people of the Old Stone Cemetery, though long gone, remain the most enduring fiber of the community. Come meet a few of the people of Old Stone and you might find yourself standing face to face with an ancestor or a person who lives where you live, or walks where you walk. You never know who you will meet.
The Cemetery Open House that had been scheduled for Saturday, July 16, has been postponed, given the recent flooding in the area, but new dates and a preview will be offered at the presentation on July 14. The release of the new book on the history and burials at the Old Stone Cemetery that had been scheduled has also been postponed but please join the historical society for a special preview of the research and the book on July 14.