Dear Editor:
This letter is in response to Greg Zafros and Christopher J. Regan, the Vice Chair of the Democratic Party of WV.
Recently I have read letters written by both of these people in the Mountain Messenger. Its not hard to come to the conclusion that neither person has any qualms about their dislike or disdain of the Republican Party. I thought I would offer up the following response to both people.
If you take a hard cold look at the 8 years George W. Bush was in office, as well as the past 7, going on 8, years Barrack Hussein Obama has had in office, I’m sure you would see what I call mammoth failures on both sides of the two parties. The decision to go into Iraq because of supposed weapons of mass destruction, at an untold cost of blood and treasure and ongoing misery to a lot of our warriors and their families. My opinion, completely ridiculous. The out and out lie to the American people about Obamacare. Being able to keep your present insurance and doctor. Costing the American citizens who knows what yet? My opinion, completely beyond ridiculous.
Both Republican and Democratic parties have driven our National Debt off the charts into dangerous waters now. It is to the point, of a possible, no return. A possible collapse of our entire way of life!
We the people trusted our politicians as they led us into this predicament, like sheep to slaughter. We trusted these politicians, thinking that they couldn’t possibly double-cross us, the very people that put them in office to begin with. Well, fellow citizens, I hate to say this, but that is exactly what has happened.
To Mr. Zafros and Mr. Regan, you are probably wondering how and why Mr. Trump is doing so fantastic. It’s because a lot of people, who still have a brain, see that Mr. Trump is self funding himself, avoiding all lobbyists and not beholding to anyone. Not politically correct, calling it as it is. They like that. They admire him for being honest. For actually CARING what happens to our country and to our citizens. This man wants to turn this country around and take it back from the totally corrupt politicians that have just about destroyed it.
Yes, to sum it all up, people that really love this country and want to preserve it based on the Constitution are turning their backs on your “Establishment Politicians.” They are tired of being lied to over and over. They are tired of watching their jobs disappear to Mexico and China. They are tired of paying through the nose, taxes to support and completely furnish housing, food, medical care, cell phones and cars to lazy bums that refuse to work ANY job. To totally supporting ILLEGAL ALIENS that don’t belong here to begin with! They are tired of watching these ignorant politicians giving our tax money to country after country that absolutely hate our guts! I could go on and on and on, but I’m sure you get the jest of what I am saying.
Oh, by the way, Mr. Zafros, if it wasn’t for Justice Scalia, the person you have no hesitation trying to put down any way that you can, I feel sure that our 2nd Amendment would have been done away with by your party by now. And in so doing, we as Americans would not have the right to keep and bear arms. Justice Scalia was a FIRM believer in our Constitution and knew that without that 2nd Amendment, this country wouldn’t stand a chance with people of your thinking!
James G. Livesay