A tire collection event will be held Saturday, Sept. 19 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Rainelle Armory. This tire collection is sponsored by the Town of Rainelle and REAP (Rehabilitation Environmental Action Plan), and is for everyone in the area. Send the message to your friends, neighbors and family members. For those in Rainelle who need assistance, help is available. Please call 304-438-7191.
Citizens are encouraged to take this opportunity to get rid of waste tires. Tires that collect even a small amount of water pose a real public health threat by encouraging mosquito breeding. Bites from mosquitoes infected with the Lacrosse virus can lead to debilitating or even deadly encephalitis in children and occasionally cause illness in adults.
Please bring up to a maximum of ten tires per household, and not exceeding the size that fit on cars and light trucks. Have your WV ID ready when you sign in.