The West Virginia Humanities Council, the state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities, serves West Virginia through grants and direct programs in the humanities. The Humanities Council budgets over $800,000 for grants and programs each year. A variety of grants are offered to nonprofit organizations that support educational programming.
Humanities Council minigrants support projects that request $2,000 or less, including small projects, single events, lectures, small museum exhibits, consultation needs, and planning for more complex projects. The Humanities Council offers minigrants four times per year to support educational programming in the humanities. The next Humanities Council minigrant deadline is Apr. 1.
The West Virginia Humanities Council recently awarded a minigrant to West Virginia University for their annual Callahan Lecture. This year’s lecture is That Dark and Vast Sea: A Clandestine History of Race, Capitalism and Rebel Sailors in the Afro-European Maritime World.
For more information about the West Virginia Humanities Council grants program contact Humanities Council grants administrator Erin Riebe at 304-346-8500 or via email at Grant guidelines and applications are available on the Humanities Council website,