The White Sulphur Springs Library (WSSPL) is kicking off its annual fund drive. With an operating budget of less than $85,000, including a full time professional library director and part time staff, we are asking the public for their support.
Unfortunately, like other libraries, WSSPL is only partially funded by state, county, and local tax-based dollars. We are responsible for raising a substantial portion of our own budget. Once again, this year we must raise $28,000 to continue our operations.
The library staff and the volunteer Board of Trustees of WSSPL would like to thank the many people who have donated in the past year allowing for our continued operation. Special thanks to the generous community members who enabled us to dedicate our building to Katherine Coleman Johnson and to erect the library sign honoring her. Donation inquires can be made by contacting WSSPL at 304-536-1171.