Calling all bargain book lovers!
The White Sulphur Springs Public Library will host a book sale, made possible through generous contributions from our community, on Saturday, Oct. 6, starting at noon and ending at 4 p.m.
Discover a wide variety of children’s books, barely used best sellers, and novels by new authors. We will be selling nonfiction books on history, religion, biographies and so much more. If fiction is more to your liking, come find romances, mysteries, historical fiction and bestselling authors like Daniel Steele and Dean Koontz. Hardbacks will sell at $2 and paperbacks for $1. Various fiction audio books will also be sold at $2 apiece. All proceeds will go to support the library.
The book sale will be held in downtown White Sulphur Springs in the heart of the Wild Game Cook off festival.
Remember, if you’re looking for something specific and can’t find it at the book sale; make sure to check out the library’s circulating collection. We lend materials for free and are happy to loan you that perfect book.
Please call us at 304-536-1171 if you have any questions. Hope to see you there!