By Sarah Richardson

At their latest meeting on Monday, Dec. 9, the White Sulphur City Council approved a new logo for the city that highlights a variety of activities available in the area. Featuring a biker, fish, an ATV, barrels, and a bear surrounding them all, the logo is designed to be inclusive of the main features of the town. Also on the agenda were updates on local projects, including progress on the new Wellness Center and pool.
Recorder Kathy Glover announced that the annual Dandelion Festival is set for May 22, 23, and 24, 2020. She added that more signage will be required for road closures and to help with traffic flow during the festival. The board will look into purchasing the needed signs.
The Wellness Center, which is set to open early next year, is still seeing progress. Mayor Bruce Bowling said that rates for the center include $3 for a day pass, $25 for a monthly pass, $75 for a quarterly pass, and $250 for a year pass. Family passes will be $300 per year. He added that the pool is still under construction, despite bad weather postponing pouring concrete earlier this month. The city is still accepting donations for the pool.
The annual Christmas Lighting contest is set for judging on Tuesday, Dec. 17, and residents and businesses are encouraged to participate.
Due to the Christmas holiday, City Hall will only be open for half the day on Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, and closed on both Christmas Day, Dec. 25, and New Year’s Day, Jan. 1.