Grade: 8th. Grade (Captain)
G.P.A.: 3.50
Parents: Charles Hoover and Amy Vail
Record: 19-5 (13 Pins)
Quote: “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.”
Coach’s Comment: “Landen continues to do the extra work that is needed to improve. I am looking forward to his success at every level. He is fun to be with at all times.”
Grade: Junior
G.P.A.: 4.00
Parents: Duane and Darlene Zobrist
Record: 18-9 (12 Pins)
Highlight: Covington Champion
Quote: “Over time, grit is what separates fruitful lives from aimlessness.”
Coach’s Comment: “Cameron could be the most disciplined wrestler on the team. His success has come through HARD WORK and discipline. He is a pleasure to be around and is a great influence on our younger wrestlers.”