Carnegie Hall and the West Virginia Woodturners Association (WVWA) continue their partnership to offer Woodturning 101 for the spring 2023 Class & Workshop Series. The six-week introduction to woodturning course will take place at Lee Street Studios in Lewisburg. It is a part of the Appalachian Heritage Series, which is designed to introduce new students to old traditions by experiencing hands-on opportunities to learn about Appalachian arts and crafts. The spring 2023 Classes & Workshops options are now available just in time for the holidays.
During the six-week series, students will begin with a review of safety issues and equipment, including tool usage and sharpening, before moving on to wood selection and preparation. Design concepts will be discussed as students learn turning, sanding and finishing techniques. All students will experience hands-on the steps necessary to produce their own bowl – from start to finish. The long-term goal of this series is for students to gain the knowledge and confidence to enjoy woodturning at the WVWA studio on their own.
Woodturning 101 will take place in the WVWA woodturning shop at Lee Street Studios, located at 232 North Lee Street, Lewisburg. A rotating cast of WV Woodturners Association members will provide instruction, including WVWA club officers Ron Manning, Gary DeGraff, George Boxwell, Bruce Brenneman, and Mike Cope. Maximum class size is limited to four students (must be 18 or older). Section 1 takes place Saturdays, Feb. 18, 25, Mar. 4, 11, 18, and 25, from 9 a.m. to noon. Section 2 takes place Saturdays, Apr. 8, 15, 22, 29, May 6, and 13, from 9 a.m. to noon.
The West Virginia Woodturners Association provides woodturners in southeastern West Virginia and western Virginia with an opportunity to meet other turners, enhance their skills, and share their skills and interests in woodturning. Send an email to info@wvwoodturners.com to request additional information about the club and its activities.
The class cost for Carnegie Hall Members is $200 plus $35 for a WV Woodturners Association membership. The cost for nonmembers is $250, plus the WVWA membership fee. To enroll and for a complete list of the Appalachian Heritage Series or other classes and workshops visit carnegiehallwv.org/classes-and-workshops. You may also pick up a Classes & Workshops brochure at 611 Church Street, Lewisburg, West Virginia.
Limited scholarships for classes and workshops are available for students ages 50 and over thanks to the generous contribution of the Mary B. Nickell Foundation.
Carnegie Hall is a nonprofit organization supported by individual contributions, grants, and fundraising efforts such as TOOT and The Carnegie Hall Gala. The Hall is located at 611 Church Street, Lewisburg. For more information, please call 304-645-7917 or visit www.carnegiehallwv.org