The women of the Henning Church of God held their regular monthly meeting in the church fellowship hall on Oct. 14 with Bonnie, Stella and Maddie Dodrill and Lynn Poage as hostesses. Carole Spencer presided over the meeting and Cindy Fleshman gave the opening prayer.
Dyan Hefner gave the devotion, “Becoming Women Who Witness,” with scripture reference Philippians 2:3-4, I John 1:8-9, Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23 and II Thessalonians 1:8-9. Many sales people have all heard, “No thanks, I’m just looking.” In this day and time no one would try to sell a product without financial gain. When witnessing to someone, they wonder what’s in it for you. It is not to make us look better, our goal is for them to accept and have Christ living in their heart. Lost people need a savior. Everyone has lost people in their lives. If we are intimidated by witnessing, we should picture the kindest person we know who does not know Christ and picture them on judgment day on their knees while being rejected because that person has rejected Christ.
Barbara Seldomdridge gave the missionary education report, “God’s Greater Plan,” with scripture reference II Corinthians 9:5-8. She shared a story about a ladies group bringing lunch to workers for Habitat for Humanity. The women showed up to the construction site and work had been cancelled. They decided to take the food to the local homeless shelter with God’s guidance and there they found a line forming for lunch. The workers there said that no one had brought lunch that day and they had no food to feed anyone. They had enough food for everyone. The master builder had another plan and they had been receptive to it.
Carole Spencer read the financial report. Pauline Perkins read last month’s minutes.
The group reported sending 114 cards, making 16 visits and making 33 phone calls. The date for Missions Day is Jan. 31 instead of Feb. 7 to be held in Charleston sponsored by the Jones Avenue Church of God. The bean dinner and prayer retreat was a success. We will have a Pastor Appreciation dinner on Oct. 26 after church service. We will pack shoe boxes again for Operation Christmas Child next month. The Arts and Craft Fair will be Nov. 7-9. Project prayer is on Dec. 20 and our time to pray for missionaries is 8:30 to 9 a.m.
After peeling apples and making apple butter last week, Joan Vance shared a humorous story, “The Apple Chronicles.”
The next meeting will be on Nov. 11 with Jamie Harvey and Evon Persinger as hostesses. Barbara Seldomridge gave the closing prayer. Patty Owens won the door prize.
Attending were: August Hefner, Barbara Seldomridge, Betty Lou Byers, Bonnie Dodrill, Carol Spencer, Carole Spencer, Cindy Fleshman, Dyan Hefner, Joan Vance, Lynn Poage, Marty Burns, Patty Owens, Pauline Perkins, Rosie Blake, Shirley Loudermilk and Stella and Maddie Dodrill.