Willow Kelly, of Greenbrier County, will Join the cast of the History Channel’s TV show “Appalachian Outlaws.” She will appear in season two, episode six, airing on Monday, Mar. 9, at 10 p.m. Friends and fans will be gathering to watch together at The Irish Pub in Lewisburg.
Willow will be supporting The Irish Pub’s Food drive for the Lewisburg and Fairlea Food Locker. The first 20 people to arrive at the pub to watch the show on Mar. 9 and bring a non perishable food item (canned or dry food) will be offered a free autographed photo of Willow Kelly – Appalachian Outlaw! Miss Kelly will also appear in episodes nine and ten. Friends and fans are invited to watch together every Monday night at 10 p.m. throughout the season at the Irish Pub in Lewisburg.