Fundraising activities: Fourteen shooting matches, October thru April, serving food and drinks each night; two gun raffles, Henry ‘Golden Boy’ .22 magnum rifle and a junior one also as second prize; cash prize drawings held at the community fair; pork loin dinner; and pancake supper.
Contributions to others: $400 to Community Action Committee for heating bill; $150 to Project Graduation Greenbrier East; fruit baskets sent for sick members; $1,000 to Wellspring of Greenbrier for work done during 1,000-year flood; $200 to help Ruritan WV place permanent WWII Silver Star memorial; donated Rudy Bears to Access Health Clinic; donated to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital in lieu of flowers; $200 to Birch River Ruritan to defray their flood expenses.
Celebrations: Community Champions named for first time each quarter: Lacy Hartsook, Ray and Ruth Hopkins, Shelby Cremeans and Margaret Crookshanks; Ladies Day celebrated for spouses with a catered meal; Easter celebration for all children including egg hunt, games, prizes and treats; community fair and parade; 70th anniversary celebration; Ruritan picnic for our family members; Halloween Trunk or Treat for community youth; and Christmas with Santa for all children with entertainment, food and beverages.
Community Service Projects: assisted at community steak dinner; wildflower plot on Interstate 64; Adopt-A-Highway roadside trash pickup, twice per year; spent several days working on cleaning and painting community building; cleaned and reset stones at three local cemeteries; held youth night for young people in community, provided music, games and snacks; and erected two pole lights outside the Methodist church.