The Williamsburg CEOS met July 21 at the Williamsburg District Historical Foundation Museum. Members attending were: C K Perkins, Virginia Hanna, Blanche Knicely, Loretta Shirley and Barbara Deeds. Laura Rose attended as a guest.
A devotion, “ Love Out Loud,” was given by Virginia Hanna.
Cards were prepared for mailing to friends and neighbors who are in need of comfort or are celebrating a personal event. Nonperishable foods were collected for a local food pantry.
The lesson for the month, presented by Loretta Shirley was “Dehydration: A Time-Honored Method of Preserving Food.” She had samples of food that she had dehydrated and demonstrated the use of an electric dehydrator. There was discussion of present and past methods of drying food.
A pot luck lunch was enjoyed before the meeting.
Guest and potential members are always welcome at the meetings. The next meeting will be Aug. 11 at the Williamsburg Historical Museum.
For information about West Virginia Community Educational Outreach Service contact any of the members or Kay Davis at the WVU Extension Office in Fairlea at 304-647-7408.