The Williamsburg CEOS Club met Apr. 14, at the home of Dorothy Hayes. The meeting was called to order by C K Perkins, president and began with a devotion “Obeying God” citing the Gospel of John Chapter 14 Verse 15 by Virginia Hanna, followed by a prayer given by Dorothy Hayes.
Prior to the business meeting a pot-luck lunch was enjoyed.
Members present were: C.K. Perkins, Virginia Hanna, Blanche Knicely, Loretta Shirley, Dorothy Hayes, Patty Post, Linda Spencer, Frances Sigrist and Barbara Deeds. Inez McMillion and Laura Rose were present as guests. They reported 106.25 volunteer hours, 132 motivational hours and 22 books read.
Minutes of the March meeting were read and approved. Thinking of You cards were prepared for members of the community.
Dorothy Hayes gave the financial report. Plans were made for attending “Drug Abuse in Our Communities” and the County Council Meeting on Apr. 20 at the Clifton Presbyterian Church. Plans were also made for attending the Beckley Area Meeting on Apr. 23 at the Lindside United Methodist Church. Patty Post gave some pertinent information on club by-laws, budget, banking and taxes. C.K. Perkins gave a report on the Multi-County Lesson Leader Training which she, Loretta Shirley and Blanche Knicely attended Mar. 23rd.
Patty Post brought Comfort Bears for stuffing and demonstrated crocheting a tote from plastic bags.
The lesson for the meeting was “Mediterranean Cooking” led by Patty Post. She said the Mediterranean diet is a healthy diet containing lots of vegetables, fruit, seafood and olive oil with very little red meat. She gave out maps for locating and naming the Mediterranean countries as a contest which was won by Dorothy Hayes. She also had a contest for identifying spices and herbs which was won by Barbara Deeds.
Members gave the nonperishable foods they had collected to Blanche Knicely for donation to a local food pantry.
The next meeting will be held May 12 at the Williamsburg District Historical Foundation Building with a lesson titled “West Virginia Wonders” to be presented by Linda Spencer.
The club would welcome new members. If interested in joining or for information about Community Educational Outreach Service, contact the club’s marketing and membership chairman, Loretta Shirley at 304-645-2238, any of the above members or Kay Davis at the WVU Extension Office in Fairlea at 304-647-7408.