Fourteen members of the Lewisburg House and Garden Club met at 1 p.m. on Sept. 23, in the home of Peggy Brown with Carol Olson as co-hostess.
The guest speaker was Rob Windhorst of Kravet, Inc. who displayed several materials with flower motifs and explained the techniques used in the production of the patterns. He also spoke of the history of the various materials being utilized beginning in the 1600s, with the East Indian Company purchasing materials from Persia and India, and, in the 1700s, the process of printed textiles in England to the Asian market silk trade in 1770 to the 20th Century, when these materials were available in the United States.
The business meeting was conducted by President Townley Hamilton, who called for committee reports and reminded members of the Greenbrier District Meeting of the West Virginia Garden Club, Inc. to be held Friday, Oct. 9, at 9 a.m. at Lewisburg United Methodist Church. Luncheon will be served at noon for attendees.
Members present were: Lynn Weber, Suzanne Perilli Hancock, Rebecca Gaujot, Susan Ernst, Barbara Tuckwiller, Pat Wingo, Polley Cunningham, Judy Deegans, Deloris Dotson, Carol Olson, Brenda Jones, Marit Withrow, Peggy Brown and Townley Hamilton.
On Wednesday, Oct. 28, club members plan a field trip to Charlottesville, VA, to view the Southern Living Designer Home for members and friends.
Suzanne Hancock will be coordinator for the holiday decorating of Carnegie Hall at 10 a.m. on Nov. 12 followed by a Dutch-treat lunch.