By Peggy Mackenzie
On Sunday, June 14, a No Pipeline Benefit Concert has been organized to bring needed support to oppose the Mountain Valley Pipeline’s planned route through Monroe County. Much of the organized opposition to the route centers on the perceived threat it poses to the pristine springs of Peters Mountain. Described by hydrogeologist Rick Eades as “the most challenging portion of the pipeline’s path in the state,” this benefit concert seeks to support an important cause for all Monroe Countians.
The concert, which will run from 2 to 5 p.m., will be held at the gracious Salt Sulphur Springs Resort, just three miles south of Union on Route 219. A great lineup of music is prepared to entertain, including Rush Run Philharmonic, Squawkin’ Henry, Robin & Doug, and Hans Creek String Band. Be ready to enjoy a range of music, from country, folk and bluegrass to Americana harmonies and blues in a beautiful setting at the resort.
Stuart’s Smoke House will supply smoked brisket, burgers, hot dogs and pulled pork. A bake sale will fill that sweet tooth with homemade goodies, iced tea and lemonade. Sweet Springs Water will also be available. Pipeline information and maps will be on hand for disbursal. Donations appreciated.