The Williamsburg Community Educational Outreach Club (CEOS) met for a “welcome to spring” meeting on Tuesday, Mar. 12 at the home of Loretta Shirley.
Members prepared 12 dozen Easter eggs for the upcoming Renick Community Center Easter Egg Hunt. They also brought games, puzzles, and crafts for the Greenbrier Valley Children’s Home residents.
Although the club hadn’t met during the winter, members were still very active in volunteer service and turned in a total of 459 volunteer hours for service between December and March. So when members aren’t “working” they’re learning and they turned in a total of 37 books read.
The Club will meet at noon on Apr. 9 at the home of Loretta Shirley. A lesson prepared by WVU Extension Agents will be presented by Burl Post. Any and all are invited to participate.
For more information about CEOS please check the WVU Extension Greenbrier County Family and Community Development website or call 304-647-7408.