We had an awesome Grandparents’ Day celebration at Smoot Elementary Friday, Sept. 11. All 74 grandparents that participated received fruit and pastries while the Title 1 teacher, Ms. Anderson, spoke to them about how important their role is, as grandparents, to nurture, build security, encourage, not only socially, but also academically. She suggested that they read with their grandchild, as well as do projects, follow recipes, and get them outdoors away from the TV and video games. She said these types of activities promote not only reading, but problem solving, creativity, measurement, fractions, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, as well as build vocabulary which improves comprehension. All these benefits can be given after a day at Grandma and Grandpa’s house.
Grandparents enjoyed a poem about grandparents performed by Smoot Elementary students, and then they were given the directions and supplies to work together and make a craft that involved drawing, cutting and gluing. It was so rewarding to see all the grandparents and grandchildren working together to create their craft. This will be an annual event at Smoot Elementary.