Four new deputies for the Greenbrier County Sheriff’s Department were sworn in by County Clerk Robin Loudermilk on Wednesday at the county courthouse. Sheriff Jan Cahill expressed extreme delight in finding such qualified young men for the department, especially, he said, as any city, county and state agency will tell you finding qualified applicants has become more and more difficult. Of the four, only Alex Workman, who was hired from another department, is already certified, and thus, in uniform. Workman, 23, is from Charmco. Joshua Pachis, 33, and Steve Hudnall, 42, are both from White Sulphur Springs, and James Desimone, 26, hails from Alabama. The latter three will be attending the Police Academy at Institute near Charleston from Sept. 2 through Dec. 19 in order to qualify for certification. The Academy, according to Cahill, is an intense, military-structured school with classes in a wide variety of police training and skills development, including criminal law, first aid, traffic control, and much more. Cahill enthused, “I’m excited to have these young men in the department. They are going to make great officers.”