Happy New Year from Shepherd’s Center! We are looking forward to a wonderful year of activities. We hope to be able to meet in person for our classes during Adventures in Learning, the upcoming Community Service Award Luncheon to honor Michael McCoy in April, and more! Be on the lookout for our brochures, newsletters, Facebook posts, and check our website for event postings and updates. We may be changing our schedule of events due to COVID-19 and recommendations from the State and Health Departments. We are anxious to meet in person, but we do want to continue to be safe and protect our participants and staff as best we can.
We closed out 2021 with our Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon on Dec. 10, at the WVSOM Alumni Center. We could not do what we do without our wonderful volunteers and to honor them we had our annual appreciation luncheon and did meet in person. Delicious, boxed lunches were prepared by the O’Cafe’ at WVSOM.
Shepherd’s Center of Greenbrier Valley received a grant from the Seneca Trail Charitable Foundation that originated from the sale of the Greenbrier Manor Nursing Home. Each year the Foundation presents the grant in honor of an individual and this year it was Brownie Dunn, the first female administrator of the nursing home. Brownie became the administrator in 1977 and directed Greenbrier Manor for 18 years then retiring in 1995. It was our honor to have her as our guest at the luncheon along with several board members from the Seneca Trail Charitable Foundation.
We were proud to announce the recipient of the 1st Annual Jane Spicer “Spirit of Shepherd’s Center” Award. Jane Spicer passed away in 2021 and loved Shepherd’s Center. She served on our board, attended our events, and never missed an opportunity to talk about our organization to those she met. This year’s recipient was Susan Caldwell Bossert. Susie follows in her father’s footsteps. Dr. Bob Caldwell was a volunteer for years with Shepherd’s Center and would take Susie along when she was in for visits. She attends our events, oversees part of the Gwen’s Meals program, and loves to talk about Shepherd’s Center to those she meets.
Shepherd’s Center’s has numerous events on their calendar. On Feb. 3, there will be Coffee Talk at 10 a.m. on Zoom; “Book Group” hopes to meet in person on Feb. 10 at 10 a.m. and closing out on Feb. 17 at 11:30 a.m. will be our first Lunch ‘n Learn of 2022. We will have boxed lunches for those attending. Registration information will be coming out soon. For the Lunch n’ Learn, our speaker will be Bob Sheets from the Greenbank Observatory in Pocahontas County. This should prove to be an interesting discussion with Greenbank Observatory being in the news due with the book The Quiet Zone by Stephen Kurczy published last year and various news casts. Look for posts on these events. Come join us! For information, please call our office 304-645-4196 or email us at greenbriershepherdscenter@gmail.com.