The Secretary of State’s Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) helps protect the victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking by providing a substitute mailing address – ensuring abusers or potential abusers cannot use public records to find their victims.
More information about the ACP can be found on the Secretary of State’s Office website – Secretary of State.Public Services.Address.Confidentiality Program.ACP Specifications.
Applications to participate in the ACP are made in person with a trained application assistant at a local domestic violence, sexual assault, or victim service program or shelter. The application process involves meeting with a victim service professional who can help the potential participant determine whether the ACP should be a part of their overall safety plan, learning how the ACP works, and completing the application materials.
Program participants must apply through the application assistants.
The ACP enables participants to use their substitute address for their driver’s license, applying for and receiving child support, and enrolling children in public school. Program participants can also use their ACP address to register to vote. All voter registration information will be kept in a confidential database that only ACP staff can access. All state and local government agencies and the courts of West Virginia must accept the ACP address as a program participant’s address.
The Secretary of State’s Office offers training for new application assistants. Training sessions are being planned for October.