Second Saturday Open Studios is coming up on Sat, June 9 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Lee Street Studios in Lewisburg. Lee Street Studios occupies the former Lewisburg Elementary School building at 232 Lee Street.
The public is invited to come and meet the artists and watch them at work. Visitors can see a large variety of artwork on display in the hallways and studios at Lee Street. Several studios offer classes and demonstrations.
Special activities on June 9 include a ceramic arts demonstration of a tripod footed jar by Sean O’Connell in Studio 10 at 1 p.m., and a needle-felted owl class, taught by Debbie Rapplin Studio 2 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more information on the class, call 304-661-1952.
Also, from 2 to 4 p.m. in Studio 6, Romney Collins will be painting in oils, and Jeanne Brenneman in watercolors.
Studio 2 features fiber arts. Susan Ernst does handweaving, Janet Anderson – hand weaving and spinning, Debbie Rapp – needle felting, Susie Smead – needle felting and spinning, and Anne Gardner – hand weaving.
Studio 6 features Romney Collins – oils, Carolyn Lehrke-photography, Jeanne Brenneman – watercolors, and Bruce Brenneman – woodturning.
Studio 7 is violinist Adam DeGraff’s Listening Room.
Studio 9 is occupied by artists Jake Logan, Sara McDonald, Shea Newton, Anna Tuckwiller, and Francis Sharp.
Studio 10 features ceramic arts by Sean O’Connell.
Studio 13 belongs to artist and fiddler Lieselotte Heil.
Studio 14 features painting, print making, and jewelry by Jorn Mark and art by James Gardner.
Studio 15 features art by Liz Goertz, Emily Sullivan, James Addison, and Kristen Rehak.
Studio 17 features stone sculpture by Brian Dense.
Studio 18 is the workshop of the WV Woodturners Association.