At Lee Street Studios in Lewisburg, Studios 2, 6, 10, and 14 are joining together to sponsor Second Saturday Open Studios, beginning Saturday, Jan. 13.
Several of the studios at Lee Street will be open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. each second Saturday and the public is invited to come and meet the artists and see them at work. In the afternoon there will be traditional fiddling and Appalachian ballad singing in the front hall, with Lieselotte Heil of Studio 13.
Studio 2 features fiber arts. Susan Ernst does handweaving, Janet Anderson does handweaving and spinning, Debbie Rapp does needle felting, Susie Smead does needlefelting and spinning, and Anne Gardner does handweaving.
Studio 6 features painting and woodwork. Romney Collins does oils, Diane Mitchell does watercolors, Jeanne Brenneman does watercolors, and Bruce Brenneman does woodturning.
Studio 10 features ceramic arts by Sean O’Connell.
Studio 14 features painting, printmaking, and jewelry by Jorn Mark.
Small classes and private lessons are also offered on second Saturdays. For information on fiber arts classes, e-mail studio2fiberarts@gmail.com and for watercolor classes, e-mail bjbrenneman@gmail.com.
Lee Street Studios occupies the former Lewisburg Elementary School building at 232 Lee Street. When coming in the front door, you will find Studio 2 located to the right and Studio 6 to the left, both on the first floor. Studio 10 is upstairs on the right and Studio 14 is upstairs on the left.