Every year the members of Friends of the Greenbrier County Public Library try to outdo themselves in preparing centerpieces for the annual Salad Luncheon fundraiser, scheduled this year for Wednesday, Nov. 5.
So, they couldn’t just settle on pumpkins as a decorative theme for the table centerpieces at the Lewisburg United Methodist Church. Friends President and Assistant Library Director Christy Carver wanted to be extra creative – she suggested making pumpkins out of metal canning jar rings. To raise extra funds, the Friends group plans to sell the centerpieces at the luncheon.
“I’ll bet you a pair of socks you can’t make one in five minutes,” Library Director Ann Farr said to her staff. The bet was readily accepted – staff members are ready to leap to the challenge, motivated by the extreme neon socks a young patron won in a popcorn-eating bet with Farr.
Check out the results of the canning ring challenge at the 33rd Annual Salad Luncheon, scheduled from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Advance tickets are $8, and $8.50 per plate at the door. Children eat for $3. More information is available by calling the library at 304-647-7568.
Pumpkins will play a part on the menu, too. Farr will contribute a pumpkin cheesecake with a gingersnap crust and covered with pecan pralines. Turkey, ham, desserts, coffee and tea will be served in addition to a variety of salads.
The Friends would appreciate donations of extra canning jar rings for this special project. The rings may be dropped off at the library during operating hours at 152 Robert W. McCormick Drive in downtown Lewisburg.
The Friends of the Greenbrier County Public Library began in 1979 as an organization dedicated to promoting awareness of services provided by public libraries.
Look for a following article detailing the services and activities these fundraisers support.