The Williamsburg Ruritan Club has honored Stan Zahorenko as a 2017 Community Champion for his many years of volunteer service to the community.
Stan and his wife Debra relocated to Williamsburg in 1997. They immediately became volunteers in their church and community.
Stan continued to be a salesman of office equipment, this time at Lewisburg Office Equipment, until he had to retire due to medical problems in 2008. He also has a lot of hours building and re-building houses, and has brought his expertise with him to his current home in Williamsburg. He has lent his expertise to construction in the community building and later to the repair of church pews used inside the building. He also designed and constructed the Andrew Chapel Methodist Church sign.
He has worked tirelessly for community fairs, Ruritan functions, and anywhere he has been able. As our Public Relations Director, Stan gets the coordination of advertising and Public Service Announcements done for the community. Whether it is a dinner or a shooting match, chances are you have seen his posters. As a past president of the Williamsburg Ruritans, Stan knows how much hard work goes into being a successful volunteer! Congratulations Stan, thank you for your efforts.