The GFWC Ronceverte Woman’s Club (RWC) had two interesting meetings in September and October.
On Sept. 27, the club held their scheduled monthly meeting. The RWC Arts committee invited artist Ellen Fischer to provide the program. Ellen, who lives part of the year in Florida and part in Ronceverte, brought six beautiful, framed paintings that she had recently painted while in Virginia and West Virginia. She spoke of her work, training and the style and medium she preferred. She has painted many scenes in Ronceverte, such as the Presbyterian and Catholic churches, several homes and the Greenbrier River.
On Oct. 25, the club invited newly elected Mayor Deena Pack to speak about her first year in office so far. She told about many activities going on and exciting things coming to Ronceverte, including a few businesses coming soon. She gave information about the water system upgrade and street paving. She answered many questions from club members. The RWC appreciates all that Mayor Pack is doing for the city.
At the October meeting, the RWC also made contributions to the local food pantry and the Family Refuge Center since October is Domestic Violence Awareness month.
Our November meeting will be held on Monday, the 22nd at 7 p.m. at the Ronceverte Baptist Church Fellowship Hall. It will be our annual holiday auction of crafts and baked goods provided by members. This is open to anyone interested. Refreshments will be served.
If interested in joining the Ronceverte Woman’s Club, a civic organization for women interested in supporting their community, schools and library, please call 304-647-4890 for further information.