By Dakota Baker
The City of Ronceverte held their monthly City Council meeting on Monday, Feb. 3 at 7 p.m. Members of council in attendance were Mark Trent, Gail White, Deena Pack, Leah Smith, and Ashley Guet.
First on the agenda was approval of meetings from the January meeting. Next was old business, and council revisited the previously tabled motion for ordinance 2025-01 related to the modification of water, wastewater, and tap reconnection fees. Ronceverte has had a $20 reconnection fee for a long time according to City Administrator Pam Mentz, and most other municipalities fall around a $40 fee, so Ronceverte discussed being similar to other areas. This $40 fee would only be for reconnections, not simply having your water turned on. Tap fees were increased from $350 to between $750 to around $950, depending on the job and what supplies are needed. The increase is due to the rising cost of products and the original $350 fee no longer covers the cost of those supplies. According to Pam Mentz, the customer will only be charged for the cost of the supplies, there is no labor cost. Ordinance 2025-01 was approved by council members.
For stormwater related business, there was an amendment for the storm water project to be extended to 12/31/2027. Funds have not changed; it is only the projection date that needed to be amended. Councilmembers approved this extension. There was also an update on the recent closure of the dog park, which was shuttered for preventative purposes due to several dogs in Greenbrier and Monroe County testing positive for different diseases. The dog park should be reopened in two weeks. In other news, it was reported that the pickleball court is still on track to be completed this summer.
The next City Council meeting will be held on Monday, Mar. 3, and the public is invited to attend.