By Dakota Baker
Ronceverte City Council held its monthly meeting on Monday, May 6, at 7 p.m. Resolution #4, which was invoices related to the design and construction of the water upgrade phase 4 project, was approved by councilmembers, as well as Resolution #5, invoices relating to the design and construction of the stormwater infrastructure improvements project and authorizing payment.
Furthermore, the council approved to begin the application process for the “Home Rule” program. According to the West Virginia Municipal League website, “Home Rule gives cities and towns the ability to implement ordinances, resolutions, rules, and regulations that fit their specific dynamics. Since the start of the pilot program, some municipalities have created solutions to local problems that also work for other cities throughout the state, and some of these innovations have been officially adopted at the state level.”
Additionally, the council approved paying for part of the new scoreboard for the Ronceverte Raiders football team.
Upcoming events include Bingo on Friday, May 10, at the Fire Department; doors open at 5 p.m., and games start at 6:30 p.m. The Ronceverte Food Truck Festival will be held on May 17 and 18 with food, arts and crafts, and live music.
The Splash Pad plans to open by Memorial Day weekend and can now be reserved for private parties after hours, Monday through Thursday, 6 to 8 p.m. You can reserve the Splash Pad by calling City Hall, and the cost is $125 for two hours. These reservations cannot start until after Memorial Day weekend. The Splash Pad is free to the public during regular operating hours, which is daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
In other news, the Ronceverte Development Corporation received a grant from the Hollowell Foundation for the disc golf course that will be located on the Island. The Ronceverte Community Market will be open on May 31, and will be open every Friday night up until October on Edgar Avenue. There was also an anonymous complaint about an odor coming from the sewer plant; while they are not exactly sure what caused the odor, it was said that it looked like some type of soup, which throws off the microscopic composure within the sewer plant, it is unclear how it got there.