On Oct. 21, the Southern District of the General Federation of Woman’s Clubs of West Virginia (GFWC WV) met at the Ronceverte Baptist Church for its Fall Convention.
Sixty-two women from the 17 clubs that are included in the Southern District attended this meeting, along with the GFWC WV State President Sharon Sheridan and GFWC WV Director of Junior Clubs Dana Richardson.
The hostess clubs were the GFWC WV Ronceverte Woman’s Club and the Mutual Improvement Club of Ronceverte. The meeting was presided over by Thelma McMillion, southern district president and member of the Rupert Woman’s Club. Keynote speaker for the meeting was President Sheridan who inspired those present by giving a brief history of the GFWC citing its many accomplishments and pointing out that the 80 clubs of West Virginia had donated 88,000 hours of volunteer service in 2016.

Also at this convention, Julia Thompson, GFWC WV Arts and Crafts chairman and member of the Rupert Woman’s Club, oversaw the Arts and Crafts competition for the Southern District. Judges awarded ribbons to the entries. Blue ribbon winners will be able to enter their crafts in the state competition at the GFWC WV Annual Convention in March.
A delicious lunch was catered by Chef Lisa Carter and her culinary students at Davis Stuart. Chef Carter spoke to the club after this fine meal explaining her work at Davis Stuart School which provides therapeutic residential care to youths age 12 to 18.
After the business meeting, the women enjoyed an auction and door prizes.