By Sarah Mansheim
Monday’s Ronceverte City Council meeting was a brief one, with council only voting on two items: one to approve the previous month’s minutes and another to approve Cherie Davis’ appointment to the city’s parks and recreation committee.
During the administrator comments portion of the meeting, City Administrator Reba Mohler said she had received word that the Greenbrier River in Ronceverte was due to crest at 15 feet on Thursday, Mar. 5, so city officials had taken steps to secure things at Island Park.
By Tuesday, Mohler said the Department of Homeland Security was predicting that the river would crest at 13.6 feet, a bit under the flood stage of 14 feet.
“The amphitheater may flood, but there shouldn’t be extensive damage,” Mohler said.
In other business, she noted the council will hold a special meeting on Monday, Mar. 23, at 6 p.m. in order to review the budget. Council will meet in regular session on Monday, April 6, at 7 p.m.
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Filing for Ronceverte’s municipal elections began Mar. 3 and will continue until Apr. 7. City council seats held by Bob Baker and Adam Rosin, and the recorder seat held by Jan Johnson, are open for election. According to Mohler, no one, including Baker, Rosin or Johnson, has filed for election in any position as of Mar. 3. The election will be held on Tuesday, June 2.