The Richlands Ruritan club met on Apr. 8, at the Calvary Methodist Church. Dinner was served, after which the members conducted a short business meeting. Several business items were discussed and voted upon for community improvements. Two new members, James Tuckwiller and Zachary Collins were inducted into the club.
The speaker for the evening was Lewisburg resident and Ruritan member, Ken Gassaway, who was assigned to the US Navy Construction Battalion that maintained the presidential retreat at Camp David, MD. While assigned to the location, Gassaway had the opportunity to meet, informally, Presidents Kennedy and Johnson and their families. His stories of these encounters were entertaining; and shed new light on the personalities of both presidents.
The Richlands Ruritan club meets on the second Wednesday of each month for a dinner meeting at the Calvary Methodist Church on Route 60W.
The Ruritan Civic organization is a national network of clubs working together for a stronger America. The Ruritan focus is to support community services in small towns and rural communities across America. The Ruritans were founded in 1928 in Holland, Virginia and celebrate their 87th year this May.