One of the oldest buildings in Lewisburg is under meticulous restoration by Old Willow Woodwork’s Joshua Adamo. The building from 1815 will be restored in time for its 200 year anniversary. Adamo says what he is performing on the outside of Brick House Antiques is called repointing and restoring of the soft handmade brick by using historically accurate lime mortaring. Once Brick House Antiques is completed, Adamo will take his expertise to the Barracks adjacent to the Montwell Park project sometime in August. There he will restore the chinking and daubing, as well as log restoration. Old Willow Woodworks will be offering workshops in these areas of historical preservation throughout the summer. If anyone is interested in signing up to attend a worksop, or even to schedule one, feel free to reach Adamo by calling 304-661-9663.