Dear Editor:
In regards to Derek Teaney’s letter of 14 January, 2017, this gentleman has failed to understand that the replacement of Jan Cahill as sheriff does not entail “running for office” as a candidate. Also, this gentleman forgets that Mr. Cahill was unopposed in the primary election or general election and therefore had many Republicans voting for him. Also, the number of voters who supported Mr. Cahill in his first run for office included many Republicans. And why not, Mr. Cahill has the qualities (United States Marine, retired from West Virginia State Police, adjunct Professor at the Community College, and four extremely successful years on the job) desired in their county sheriff. These qualities were also desired by our new Governor Jim Justice.
Finally, Sheriff Cahill was appointed to be superintendent of West Virginia State Police in 2017 which is an “off election year,” therefore his successor is not constrained by time periods in changing parties prior to being appointed Sheriff (confirmed by Greenbrier County Clerk through the WV Secretary of State). If “the news reports” are true, that Sheriff Cahill has recommended an individual to the County Commission to replace him, then Sheriff Cahill’s recommendation should carry a lot of weight, and the County Commission should seriously consider that person to be the next Sheriff of Greenbrier County.
Frank W. Tuckwiller